We find leaders who get RESULTS

Our team of experts listens carefully and adapts our proven search methodology to your specific needs, delivering a fast-moving, inclusive, and transparent recruiting process.

Staffing Advisors

Hiring Your Next CEO?

You know what your organization needs—we know how to leverage your expertise. Results-Based Hiring® attracts top performers, reduces the potential for bias and error, and accurately predicts your new leader’s success while supporting your team at every step. With a 360-degree view of CEO performance, we offer unmatched support for your search committee and a 2-year unconditional replacement guarantee.

Our Clients

Our clients work every day to improve the lives of others, and we do everything we can to help them succeed. Lasting partnerships are the foundation of our business model—more than 87% of our work comes from return clients.

Unconditional Guarantee

Unconditional Guarantee

No matter how unique your job is, or how competitive the job market, we protect you with the strongest guarantee in executive search—a 2-year unconditional replacement guarantee for CEO searches and 18 months for every other career level.


Transparent Process

Transparency and accountability are foundational to how we work and communicate. We keep your team in the know with a clear project timeline, delivered right up front. You will always know exactly what we are managing for you, what to expect, and when.

Recent Job Openings

Assistant Controller
Director of Communications
Senior Director, Systems and Security

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